How To Make 2011 Roblox Simulator

  1. Best Simulators In Roblox
  2. Roblox Simulator Codes
  3. Roblox Best Simulator Games
  4. How To Make 2011 Roblox Simulator Roblox


Best Simulators In Roblox

WikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 29 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

Roblox Simulator Codes


John Shedletsky, Erik Cassel, Christina McGrath and Matt Dusek

On Monday August 1 ROBLOX held our first ever player convention – The ROBLOX Rally 2011! As the doors opened at 9:30am hundreds of players and parents flooded into the Exploratorium in San Francisco eager to see what we had planned for the day. Players ages 6-16 traveled from as far away as England and Hong Kong to talk with ROBLOX developers, hear about the latest advancements within the game, learn how to create their own virtual worlds with Lua coding language, and share ideas.

The ROBLOX Rally was such a huge success we’re already making plans for next year’s event. It will be bigger so more players can attend.

Here’s a short video montage of the event.

Featuring david.baszcuki and bigbluesnow10.

More videos of the Rally, including the presentations and scripting classes, will be published on our blog and on our YouTube Channel in the next week or two.

Attendees were able to participate in…

  • Presentations by the staff
  • Demos of upcoming features
  • Scripting classes
  • Testing new features in the game lounge
  • Talking to staff 1:1
  • Getting autographs on posters and t-shirts
  • Winning prizes from the art contest and raffle games
  • You can check out the whole show on the brochure

Newer players got to meet famous veterans such as Stealth Pilot, Stickmasterluke, doctorwho1216, and loser123. The Rally was such a big deal that the local news even ran a piece about it. The devs and staff were so excited to get feedback directly from the players about the product. Thanks for coming! We look forward to seeing you next year.

Roblox Best Simulator Games


Here are some more photos from the event…

How To Make 2011 Roblox Simulator Roblox
