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GET /assets/{id}/versions
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Retrieves asset information for the specified asset ID. The authenticated user must be able to manage the asset.
id | long | The ID of the asset. |
placeId | no type! | The ID of the place. |
page | int | (Optional)The page to retrieve. |
[{ 'Id':536133191, 'AssetId':226132918, 'VersionNumber':3, 'RawContentId':2619739106, 'ParentAssetVersionId':536132109, 'CreatorType':1, 'CreatorTargetId':80502178, 'CreatingUniverseId':null, 'Created':'2015-07-13T11:51:12.9073098-05:00', 'Updated':'2015-07-13T11:51:12.9073098-05:00' }]
GET /v2/assets/{id}/versions
Retrieves asset information for the specified asset ID. The authenticated user must be able to manage the asset or granted by package permission. (if nextPageCursor is null, there is no more items)
id | long | The ID of the asset. |
placeId | long? | The ID of the place. |
cursor | string | (Optional) cursor to fetch next page. |
sortOrder | SortOrder | (Optional) Sorting order of asset version. |
limit | int | (Optional) Size of page to fetch. |
{ 'previousPageCursor': null, 'nextPageCursor': '4', 'data': [{ 'Id': 2147905864, 'AssetId': 2147765363, 'VersionNumber': 8, 'ParentAssetVersionId': 2147905863, 'CreatorType': 1, 'CreatorTargetId': 23265213, 'CreatingUniverseId': 2147757210, 'Created': '2019-10-16T21:44:42.417Z', 'Updated': '2019-10-16T21:44:42.417Z' }] }
400 | Invalid request |
404 | Asset not found |
409 | For PlatformException |
500 | Internal server error |
502 | Bad Gateway |
POST /assets/award-badge
userId | int | The ID of the user. |
badgeId | long | The ID of the badge. |
placeId | long | The ID of the place. |
{userName} won {badgeCreatorName}'s '{badgeName}' award! (if successful)
GET /currency/balance
Returns the Robux and Ticket balances for the currently authenticated user.
Response Error
ApplicationException: Invalid auth token |
GET /users/{userId}/friends
Retrieves a paged list of friends for the specified user.
userId | long | The ID of the user. |
page | int | (Optional) The page to retrieve. |
[{ 'Id':12345678, 'Username':'user', 'AvatarUri':', 'AvatarFinal':true, 'IsOnline':true }]
POST /user/accept-friend-request
requesterUserId | long | The ID of the requester. |
Response Error
400 | Bad Request: Invalid requesterUserId |
404 | Resource Not found: Not enabled |
POST /user/decline-friend-request
requesterUserId | long | The ID of the requester. |
Response Error
400 | Bad Request: Invalid requesterUserId |
404 | Resource Not Found: Not enabled |
POST /user/request-friendship
recipientUserId | long | The userId of the recipient. |
Response Error
400 | Bad Request: Invalid recipientUserId |
404 | Resource Not Found: Not enabled |
GET /user/get-friendship-count
userId | long? | (Optional)The ID of the user, or the ID of the authenticated user if not provided. |
{ 'success':true, 'message':'Success', 'count':10 }
404 | Resource Not Found: Not enabled |
POST /user/unfriend
friendUserId | long | The ID of the friend. |
Response Error
400 | Bad Request: Invalid friendUserId |
404 | Not Found: Not enabled |
GET /user/following-exists
Returns whether followerUserId is following userId
userId | long | The user potentially being followed |
followerUserId | long | The user potentially following the other user |
{ 'success':true, 'message':'Success', 'isFollowing':true }
400 | Bad Request:Invalid followerUserId/Invalid userId |
404 | Not Found: Not enabled |
POST /user/follow
followedUserId | long | The ID of the user to follow. |
Response Error
400 | Invalid followerUserId |
403 | Block exists between authenticated user and followedUserId |
404 | Not enabled |
POST /user/unfollow
followedUserId | long | The ID of the followed user. |
Response Error
400 | Invalid followerUserId |
404 | Not enabled |
GET /users/{userId}/groups
userId | int | The ID of the user. |
[{ 'Id': 696519, 'Name': 'Orinthians', 'EmblemId': 135321582, 'EmblemUrl': '', 'Rank': 254, 'Role': 'Council', 'IsInClan': false, 'IsPrimary': false }, { 'Id': 679727, 'Name': 'ROBLOX Community Staff and Forum Users', 'EmblemId': 90708870, 'EmblemUrl': '', 'Rank': 245, 'Role': 'Other Staff', 'IsInClan': false, 'IsPrimary': false }]
GET /groups/{groupId}
groupId | int | The ID of the group. |
{ 'Name':'Group name', 'Id':1234567, 'Owner': { 'Name':'owner', 'Id':12345678 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Panem Citizens','Rank':1}] }
404 | Group not found |
503 | Get group info not enabled |
GET /groups/{groupId}/allies
groupId | int | The ID of the group |
page | int | (Optional) The page to retrieve. |
{ 'Groups': [ {'Name':', 'Id':123456, 'Owner':{ 'Name':', 'Id':23456789 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Advisor','Rank':1}] } ], 'FinalPage':true }
GET /groups/{groupId}/enemies
groupId | int | The ID of the group |
page | int | (Optional) The page to retrieve. |
{ 'Groups': [ {'Name':', 'Id':123456, 'Owner':{ 'Name':', 'Id':23456789 }, 'EmblemUrl':'', 'Description':', 'Roles':[{'Name':'Advisor','Rank':1}] } ], 'FinalPage':true }
GET /incoming-items/counts
{'unreadMessageCount': 1, 'friendRequestsCount': 2}
GET /marketplace/productinfo
assetId | long | The ID of the asset. |
{ 'TargetId':123456789, 'ProductType':'User Product', 'AssetId':123456789, 'ProductId':24870409, 'Name':'Hat', 'Description':', 'AssetTypeId':8, 'Creator':{'Id':1,'Name':'ROBLOX'}, 'IconImageAssetId':0, 'Created':'2015-06-25T20:07:49.147Z', 'Updated':'2015-07-11T20:07:51.863Z', 'PriceInRobux':350, 'PriceInTickets':null, 'Sales':0, 'IsNew':true, 'IsForSale':true, 'IsPublicDomain':false, 'IsLimited':false, 'IsLimitedUnique':false, 'Remaining':null, 'MinimumMembershipLevel':0 }
GET /marketplace/game-pass-product-info
Returns the product info for the specified game pass.
gamePassId | long | The ID of the asset. |
{ 'TargetId':123456789, 'ProductType':'Game Pass', 'AssetId':123456789, 'ProductId':24870409, 'Name':'Hat', 'Description':', 'AssetTypeId':8, 'Creator':{'Id':1,'Name':'ROBLOX'}, 'IconImageAssetId':0, 'Created':'2015-06-25T20:07:49.147Z', 'Updated':'2015-07-11T20:07:51.863Z', 'PriceInRobux':350, 'PriceInTickets':null, 'Sales':0, 'IsNew':true, 'IsForSale':true, 'IsPublicDomain':false, 'IsLimited':false, 'IsLimitedUnique':false, 'Remaining':null, 'MinimumMembershipLevel':0 }
GET /ownership/hasasset
userId | int | The ID of the user. |
assetId | long | The ID of the asset. |
GET /reference/deviceinfo
{ 'PlatformType': 'platform name', 'DeviceType': 'device type', 'OperatingSystemType': 'OS type' }
POST /userblock/block
Block a user; prevent communication between the current user and the user specified.
userId | long | UserId of the user to be blocked |
Response Error
400 | Bad Request: Invalid user id |
POST /userblock/unblock
Unblock a user; allow communication between the current user and the user specified.
userId | long | UserId of the user to be unblocked |
Response Error
400 | Bad Request: Invalid user id |
GET /users/{userId}
Retrieves user information for the specified user ID.
userId | int | The ID of the user. |
GET /users/get-by-username
Retrieves user information for the specified username.
username | string | The name of the user. |
Response Error
Invalid username |
User not found |
GET /users/{userId}/canmanage/{assetId}
Returns whether the user can manage a given asset.
userId | int | The ID of the user. |
assetId | long | The ID of the asset. |
Response Error
Not enabled |
Unknown user or asset |
Use blocks while playing the game with others online.
ROBLOX is a game where you will use nothing but blocks to create your designs. There are several worlds to create and play in as well as many characters that are waiting for you to customize them so that they can look different from others online. There is also an option to play in worlds that have already been created by people who are online.
When you use ROBLOX, you will see a list of the characters and a list of the worlds you have recently been to so that you can go back to your favorites. Controls are simple to use on the screen as they fit almost perfectly. Once you get to the game that you want to play, you can easily follow the map to the areas that you're interested in playing at whether alone or with those who are online at the time. You can build everything from pirate ships to play on the ocean to houses so that your characters have a home to decorate and live in every day.
- Several worlds available
- Numerous characters can be made
- Fun for all ages
Download Roblox Free Games Tablet
How To Play Roblox On Microsoft Edge
- Lose connection easily to the game
- Some vehicles are hard to control